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 We use Juvéderm® & Belotero® because they are both approved by the FDA, having been shown to be both safe & clinically effective. They are made using advanced technology & have a range of different fillers to suit the needs of each client individually. These treatments have a good safety profile and give you natural-looking and long lasting results.  Hyaluronic Acid fillers can be used to  enhance lip shape to give a fuller shape, adjust the proportions of the top and bottom lip & add definition to lip edges. They can also be used to reduce the signs of ageing by adding fullness, easing droop at the angle of the mouth, smoothing vertical lines around the mouth, and reducing the 'marionette' lines between lip corners and chin.

Hyaluronic acid filler is a smooth gel which is injected under the skin by using an ultra-fine needle. The smooth consistency means Dr James can tailor your treatment to your individual lip shape, subtly adding fullness while defining & maintaining the details that make your lips unique.

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Lip fillers

How does it work?

What can I expect?

As Juvederm® & Belotero® fillers are non-surgical, there is very little recovery time. You will see the results instantly. Dr James will go through a full consultation prior to treatment to establish exactly what it is that you are trying to achieve. Following the procedure you might have some soreness and swelling of the lips. This usually eases over the first day or two following the procedure. Your body will naturally break down the hyaluronic acid injected over time. The effects of Juvederm® & Belotero® lip fillers can be expected to last 6-9 months, although the premium Juvederm Vycross® range last up to 12 months.


Possible side effects

Some people experience a little temporary tenderness, swelling or bruising around the injection sites. Rarely, if the filler is close to the skin surface, light can reflect off the injected filler resulting in a slight bluish tinge to part of the lip. This is called the Tyndall effect and can usually be reversed by the doctor using a further injection of a compound called Hyalase. Very rarely, blood vessels to the lip can be occluded by the filler. This is a very rare but serious complication. Again, this can usually be successfully treated with Hyalase. All risks will be discussed in detail at your appointment, where you can feel free to ask questions and will be under no pressure to proceed with a treatment if you change your mind or want more time to think things over.

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